Thursday 15 May 2014

What we've been reading SPOILER ALERT

Since the last update we haven't quite managed a book a month. We read Life After Life, which I enjoyed. Then a nice easy read in Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy.

This month's book is Kill Your Friends which I've read before, and I can't make the meeting, so I shall share my view here (c&p from my goodreads review...):

One of the most horrendous books I've ever had the misfortune to read. And he doesn't even get his comeuppance in the end, which is about the only thing that could have saved this book for me, though I doubt even that would have done it. Grim grim grim, revelling in the worst kind of racist, sexist awfulness. Someone will no doubt now tell me it's satire and I've missed the point but I don't care! Horrible.