Monday 17 October 2011

One Day

286/365 Book Clurb by clogsilk
286/365 Book Clurb, a photo by clogsilk on Flickr.

October's pick was One Day by David Nicholls. I shall try not to be completely driven by what I thought of this book, because I am not a big fan of David Nicholls. That said, I completed the book within one day, so it's clearly very readable. My beef relates to the small errors that pepper this book and spoil it for me, just like the small errors in Starter for Ten.

I don't think I was the only one to find the characters a little unlikeable, although I think we all felt that made them more realistic than they otherwise might have been. Those that didn't know there was a twist were completely floored by it, whereas those that knew there was, but not what it was, were constantly on the look out for it!

A couple of us felt frustrated by the ending, although others thought it just showed that's what real life can be like, and people do have to get on with things and move on.

Overall this is an easy read, not too intellectual and not earth shattering either. After the previous month's book, which I failed to finish, that was welcome relief!